
Showing posts from June, 2013

Are You Still on Fire?!?

“Are you still on fire?!?!” Teriak Tuti, seorang tutor bahasa Inggris di kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri. “Yes, we are. We are still on fire. Fire, fire, fire.!!!” Jawab para santriwati dari Muhammadiyah Boarding School, salah satu pesantren modern di Yogyakarta. “Good, so let’s play game together!” Sambung Rivena, rekan kerja Tuti. “Bla,, bla,, bla,,bla,,” Mulailah mereka bermain educative game didepan seseorang laki-laki dengan kamera perekam besar yang biasa digunakan para kru dan staff statiun televisi. “Ayo mbak, nyanyi lagi kayak barusan.” Pinta laki-laki itu dengan keringat sedikit mengucur dan memutar-mutar lampu flash yang ada di atas kamera. 


In this modern era, I do believe that all people must know about greenhouse effect. Why? People know that if they are aware about the environment, time by time the earth will be better. Much pollution, illegal logging, destruction, deforestation, and so many others will make this earth broken. There will be no healthy zone, there will be no nature, and this earth will die. If people care about this earth and environment, they must help this earth decrease the extravagant habit in using and making something.