The Summary of How to Be A Smart Writer

By : Afifah Afra
Publisher : Indiva Media Kreasi
Year : 2007
Pages : 232

Do you want to be able to write something? Are you interested in writing? Do you want to be a smart writer? A smart writer who can write articles, short stories or others well. You can read this book. This book is good for you who want to write well and want to be a writer. 

In this book, there are so many tips to write, the kinds of writing such as narration, description, exposition and so on. This book also gives us some list of publisher, mass media and book agency that you can send your writing and publish it.

There are nine chapters in this book. In chapter one, the writer tells us about why she wrote. Chapter two she explains us about warming up that are usually done by some writers. Next she tells us about the ideas to write. Then she informs us about the kinds of writing / texts. Next she tells us about how to write a short story. In the chapter six she explains us how to write a novel, then how to write an article. After that she inform us about how to publish our work, and the last she explains us how to establish a publisher by ourselves. 

Before the writer explains about each chapter, she informs us about her stories before being a famous writer. She tells us that her father is a teacher and she likes reading very much. By reading she got motivation to write. Although she ever faults when she began writing, she never gives up. She always writes, writes and writes. And finally she became a famous writer, Afifah Afra, who has published so many books like Bulan Mati di Javache Orange, Kembang Luruh di Rimbun Jati, Marabunta, Cinta Adinda, You Can be a Smart Writer and so on.

In the chapter one that tells us about why the writer wrote, she explains that she wants to be clever and smart, she also wants to do missionary endeavor trough her writing. She wishes thinking more systematical. By writing she get satisfaction and she can manage her emotion because by writing, we can show and wreak our anger or emotions. She also explains that by writing she is able to express her empathy and self-defense, she wants to be ageless and make a friend and also absolutely she wants to get fee or wage. 

In the second chapter, the writer tells us about warming up that are usually done by some writers. The first thing is coach some creativity, improve in reading because by reading, we can get many information and imagination. The next is doing correspondence, like discussing because by discussing we can improve our critical thinking, see nearer, it means that we must be able to see something extraordinarily through different angle. Some writers must also be able to be familiar with language that consists of vocabularies, proverb, analogy, and so on. And the last thing that is usually done by some writer before writing is enjoying this life, as a writer, she / he must be able to create his / her mood as what he / she wants.

In the next chapter, Afra informs us about ideas to write. According to Afra, idea is a basic thing that makes a writing is vivid. It is like zygote, if it gets a place and nutrition suitably, it will separate become morula, blastula, grastula and so on thus become a healthy fetus that will be able to be a lovely baby. Some ways to make or create or ideas are make experiences as our ideas source, and also opinion from others, but it will not be a plagiarism. Then is literature, by knowing literature we can create our ideas. Afra can also say that other ideas is our dream, our imagination, our research, tenet of our religion, and biography. 

In the fourth chapter, this book tells us about the kinds of writing / text. There are three kinds of writing that are explained in it this book, Description, Narration, and Exposition. There are also examples and steps how to write a description, narration and exposition. She also gives us some exercises to make a description, narration and exposition.
In chapter five, the writer explains us about how to write a short story. It consists of the characteristics of short story, the elements to make a short story, consistency, a multifunction sentence, the title that can create a curiosity, ‘bang!; as an opening, diction, and ending. In this book also tells us about short story analysis. This chapter also consists of exercise to make a short story and the way how to write a short story. 

The next chapter she also tells us about how to write a novel. It consists of the characteristics of novel such as theme, setting, characters, and plot. It also consist of the creative process to write a novel BMDJO (Bumi Mati di Javache Orange) 

Then she informs us how to write an article. There are some similarities and differences between article and exposition. The very similarity is both of them there is a thesis that will be researched and the proofs to reinforce it. Both of them, the writer wants to ask the reader to believe or agree with what has the writer written. The differences are more flexible in article than exposition, exposition is forcer the reader to agree with the writer. This chapter informs us how to get things that we need to write an article. There are broad-mindedness, responsibility, accurateness in observing the phenomenon. Afra does not forget to give us explanation how to write an attractive article like determine the actual thesis, make a relevant, simply and provocative title, make an impressive lead, make some accurate data, must be solutive, make a different angle and suitable with the media that you will publish it. 

In the eighth chapter, Afra explains us how to publish our work in writing. There are eight tricks how to publish our writing. The first is send you’re the best work, suit with rubric that will be filled, edit and analyze your work as much as possible, type your hand writing neatly, graft your name and identity clearly, write your telephone number, address of email that you usually use, send your work more than one script all at once, and the last is never give up to practice, practice and practice. 

In the last chapter, the writer informs us about how to establish a publisher by ourselves. The writer says that establish a publisher by ourselves is very possible. That you will need just some things like we must have a businessman mental, comprehend the process of coming out a book, and determine a price of book. There are some agent and publisher address that we can send our work there.

By reading this book, you who want to be a writer and also establish a publisher, you can get many inspirations for it.


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