Creating Games to Stimulate Students In Learning English


Teaching is a teacher duty to improve student knowledge. A teacher is not only insisted to be able in transforming the knowledge, but also be able to create and use some strategies and methods to transfer the knowledge to the students. Students need some strategies and methods in learning English to make easy in understanding and mastering English. Students especially young learners like playing game in each lesson. Games not only make them happy but also enjoy in understanding and getting the point of the lesson, so a teacher should create a game according to the material in order that student could be able to get the point of the lesson. It is the teacher duty as a good teacher to create games to stimulate students in teaching English.
Key words: Game, Learning English


A. Background of the Study
English is a foreign language in our country, teach English is not easy because many students do not understand and feel confused in learning English. A teacher should be creative and become interesting in teaching English in order that the students can be able to understand and have passion to learn English well. Many students like an interesting teacher and they will enjoy and understand what has teacher explain, so the material and lesson can be gotten and caught easily. A creative teacher will explain the lesson interestingly, and become creative in using all attractive methods (Azzet, 2011:107).

To teach English well, a teacher not only needs books to make the students understand in knowing English, but also needs games, strategies, and methods.

To be more effective in teaching English, a teacher can use the student‘s characteristics in playing games, story and song to make the atmosphere in the class more interactive and interesting. Creating an interesting atmosphere through playing games and other activities can make students happy (British Council, 2011:25-26).

According to Yulianto (2010:39) Game is a basic skill and can stimulate learning process. He also added that games that apply humour element will be able to stimulate student’s growth in humour by giving elements to student’s brain to stimulate in choosing ability, moving ability, and finding ability. Yulianto (2010: 47) state that humour can integrate psychological component, psycholinguistic component, discourse, and strategic component. 

Teacher can create a simple game in learning English to increase students’ vocabularies in making sentences. Games can also improve students’ ability in learning English. There are so many games that can improve speaking skill, reading skill, listening skill and speaking skill. 

B. Formulation of the Problem
The problems are formulated as follows:
1. How is the way to create and use games in learning English?

C. Significance of the Study
The significance of the study is described as follows:
1. To describe if every teacher should have an idea to make game to stimulate students in learning English.
2. To give some information to the readers who want to create games to teach students in learning English.

D. Purpose of the Study
This paper aims at giving simple ways to create games in stimulating students in learning English in order that students can understand about English easily. Because English is a foreign language in our country, we need another way to teach English well and easy to understand, one of the ways is by creating games.

E. Presentation of the Study
This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introductory information of the research, it covers the background of the study, formulation of the problem, significance of the study, purpose of the study and presentation of the study. The second chapter contains of theoretical frame work. It consists of using games to stimulate students, games are interesting, the advantages and disadvantages of using games, and learning English. The third chapter is about discussion. It consists of game type, learning vocabulary trough games, improving listening skill by using games, improving speaking skill by using games, improving reading skill by using games, improving writing skill by using games. The fourth chapter discusses conclusion and suggestion and the last chapter is bibliography.


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