A Study of Gerund Used In Trends Rubrics In The Jakarta Post Weekender


Language is an important element to communicate one another to make some conversations and feedbacks. Language itself has many meanings; it can be a system of communication, a medium for thought, a vehicle for literary expression, a social institution, a matter for political controversy, a catalyst for nation building (William O'Grady, 1996:1). 

In a language itself, it has some elements such as phone, phoneme, morpheme, word, sentence and so on. Wendy Sandler (2006: 3) explains that the study of language over the centuries has yielded a large inventory of concepts and categorizations that are commonly taken for granted. Language as a communication system is thought to be fundamentally different from and of much higher complexity than those of other species as it is based on a complex system of rules relating symbols to their meanings, resulting in an infinite number of possible innovative utterances from a finite number of elements. 

Languages are not just sets of symbols. They also often conform to a rough grammar, or system of rules, used to manipulate the symbols. The grammar of a language is a complex and highly structured affair because it operates in terms of concepts and categories which have to be defined in the same way. So we need grammar in using English and the understanding about grammar also influences our ability in English.
Gerund is some parts of grammar so we cannot ignore them. The ability to understand them is really important. Less understanding about them can make serious problem especially in the case of the use of English grammatical structure correctly.
This paper aims at giving information to the reader that many gerunds used in Trend rubrics in The Jakarta Post Weekender.


Abbas, A. (2008). Basic English Structure. Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan University.

Anam Sutopo, D. C. (2001). Translation. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah Universtiy Press.

Frank, M. (1972). Modern English. London: Prentice-Hall International Inc.

Hornby, A. S. (2003). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Johan, A. G. (1999). Reading and Translation. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset.

Rimolfa, M. (2008, Agustus 30). WEEKENDER magazine (The Jakarta Post). Retrieved Desember 1, 2011, from Yahoo! Inc: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rimolfas/sets/72157605689074633/

Verbs Followed by Gerunds. (n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2011, from Englishpage.com : http://www.englishpage.com/gerunds/gerund_list.htm

Wendy Sandler, D. L.-M. (2006). Sign Language and Linguistic Universal. Cambridge: Cabridge University Press.

Wikipedia. (2011, December 2). The Jakarta Post. Retrieved December 19, 2011, from Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jakarta_Post

William O'Grady, M. D. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics. London: Copp lark Pitman Ltd.


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