
Showing posts from May, 2013


Rain is liquid substance in the form of droplets condensing from atmospheric water vapor. Then, it becomes clocked and heavy to fall under gravity. Some people know that rain is a major component of the water cycle. Rain also a circle process of wind that can be drop of water. There is a factual unique explanation about rain process according to Holy Qur’an. Most people know that Holy Qur’an is the Holy book in Islam sent by Lord and received by Prophet Muhammad pbuh then he spread it out to his companion and community. Before people knew about the process of rain, Holy Qur’an had explained it in many verses. 


People believe that oxygen is the most important element which is needed by human being in this world. Without oxygen, all living thing will die and they will not survive in their living. They cannot also take a deep breath, not only human and animal but plants as well. So, that is why oxygen is important. People can imagine if there were no oxygen in this world, they would not be able to breath. It is known that when there is a person sick or hospitalized, he or she must need oxygen. And to get oxygen itself when the person is still sick, is not as easy as pie. The person must pay the oxygen with expensive price, so be grateful that we have a healthy body.

CORRUPTION: Make the Country Bad

Corruption is one of big problems in this world, even in Indonesia. Corruption itself is derived from corruptio that the meaning can be badness, bribery, distortion and destabilizing. People must know that corruption belongs to action against the rule and law. This action can also be a misuse of authority and opportunity because a person who does this action has self-interest to make herself or himself richer. People must also know that there are some kinds of corruption like accepting bribery, seizing authority and so many others. To prevent is better than to cure, so it will be better if people know about the cause of corruption in order that they can avoid corruption and solve the corruption problem. There are some causes causing corruption such as there is no transparency in government financial, great and expensive political campaign, and great projects needing much money. 

CULTURE: The Way of Life

Culture is a way of life developed and possessed by a group and it is inherited from generation to generation. Culture itself is formed by many complex elements, including politic and religious systems, customs, languages, clothes, appliances, houses, and arts. A language, involving culture, is a part of human being so that many people assume that it is inherited genetically. When a person communicates to other people in different culture and he or she tries to adapt the differences, it proves that the culture itself is still learned.