
People believe that oxygen is the most important element which is needed by human being in this world. Without oxygen, all living thing will die and they will not survive in their living. They cannot also take a deep breath, not only human and animal but plants as well. So, that is why oxygen is important.
People can imagine if there were no oxygen in this world, they would not be able to breath. It is known that when there is a person sick or hospitalized, he or she must need oxygen. And to get oxygen itself when the person is still sick, is not as easy as pie. The person must pay the oxygen with expensive price, so be grateful that we have a healthy body.

In every breath, human breathe so much oxygen. High quality oxygen will give us positive effect and reaction in our healthy body even in our mind. Moreover, it can give benefit to support our energy in our body.
If we lack of oxygen, blood vessels in our body will not be able to work well. Thus, we need to supply good quality oxygen in our life. But, how is the way to supply it? Some people know that oxygen consists of H2O and it can be got just a piece of cake. Nowadays, there are so many product of oxygen in water form. So, automatically, people can consume it regularly.
A normal human will need oxygen approximately 375 liter per day. Naturally, we get oxygen by breathing through the lung. All people should know that oxygen is important and if a person lack of it, he or she will be easily tired.
Most people must also know that oxygen has so many advantages, namely improving memory and intelligence, preventing cancer, asthma and other disease. It can also improve people metabolism, decrease the poison inside of human body, stabilize blood pressure and so many others. So, that is why oxygen can be the most important thing that people need to their survival. 


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