I'm proud of my students ^_^

Wednesday, June 22th, 2013

Today,,, I felt so nervous. Why? You know that I should accompany my students to join the speech competition in a senior high school. There, I met my lecturers because they were judges giving points and results to the competitor. I was afraid that my students will be very nervous and they will forget all what they should deliver. I tried to be positive thinking but it’s so hard at the first time. 

When I saw the other rivals, I felt so optimistic. Why? You should know that other rivals delivered their speech by using text. I saw three rivals tried to deliver the speech without it and I thought that the only one rival was so exciting. She can deliver the speech fluently and nicely by adding a song, but I thought that my student using puppets and a song will be the best.

Time after time, the turn of the second of my student came. I tried to be positive thinking. She can deliver speech well although she looked so nervous. In the middle of her speech, she really really forgot about all. Oh my god,, what should I do?? Most people in that place looked at me and I just smiled while trying to shake my hand and asked my students to skip to the poem and closing. 

I loved my students because they are good and brave. I was so proud of them. They tried to give the best for me. Do you know? As I thought that the best one was my student using puppets and song, the second and the third was the rival, and the fourth was my students using pictures and a poem. I appreciated them so much. 


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